“Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.’” Luke 19:9-10 Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem once again through Jericho. Crowds abounded around him. Somehow Jesus spotted this shorter man who had climbed a tree to see Him. Somehow, He knows his name. Jesus invites Himself to Zacchaeus’ home for lunch, which is a sign of honor in that culture. And out of that luncheon, a soul is born into the Kingdom. Salvation came to that home all because Jesus took time to notice the unnoticed, outcast person. In fact, Jesus indicated that is exactly why He came, to seek and to save the lost. How often do we take time to look around where we are traveling in order to notice the person on the edge, the overlooked person, the outcast? Jesus cares about every one of them. This week, let’s keep our eyes open and seek to engage with “that” person. They will feel valued and who knows how...
This devotional, written by our Eastern Hills Church staff and ministerial students, is intended to help us stay connected with each other on some level as we navigate our summer. It will focus each day on the teaching theme for the week. It will also serve as a reminder to pray for each other and encourage each other. May our “Summer of One” bring glory to the One we love and serve, and also help us to “maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” www.ehwc.org