“…Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 19:19
There are Old Testament verses that speak to this, but much of the time it is implied. The Law teaches us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and after that to love our neighbor as ourself. That is a high calling. After our love for God, we are to love our neighbor. Sometimes this is easy and other times not so much. But, God doesn’t say to just treat the lovable people with love but to love all. I need God’s help to have that kind of love to put others before myself even if they don’t “deserve” it. I don’t deserve what God has given me but am eternally grateful for His love for me - an imperfect person who loves God and wants to grow in my love for my neighbor. I’m praying for opportunities to show God’s love and my love to my neighbors and to those I meet in my everyday life so that they will see Jesus.
Prayer Focus: Father, help me to show Your love to people around me and to be very aware of representing You in how I treat my neighbors.
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