"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them." Acts 16:25
On my recent trip to France, I was reading the biography of George Mueller. He was a terrible liar, cheat, drunk … sinner. One day a friend invited him to a prayer meeting, where believers worshipped in simplicity, one brother kneeling in prayer and crying out to the Lord and a published sermon was read. But Mueller was transformed. There was no reason for him to even consider going to this meeting, but God. Reminds me of our text here. Notice that Paul and Silas were doing what came naturally to them in all circumstances: they were praying and worshipping. And the other prisoners were listening.
When the earthquake came, and the earthquakes of life will come, not only were their fellow prisoners impacted, but the jailer fell at their feet and asked what he must do to be saved. Amazing. Giving thanks in worship in all circumstances gives a witness of our Father to others and He uses it to draw people to Himself.
When was the last time you were in a tough spot and rather than complaining, you worshipped the Lord and cried out to Him? Others are watching and the way we respond in those moments may change the eternity of those looking on. Let’s worship rather than whine, raise our voices in praise rather than resentment, and pray rather than pout. And the Lord will bring Himself glory through it.
Prayer Focus: Lord, thank You for the earthquakes of life. They give us the opportunity to worship You in such a way that others see You at work in us.
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