“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.” Luke 10:33
The Samaritan, who had many reasons not to help the man, put him on his own donkey after caring for his wounds. He got him to safety and paid for his care. It was not in his business plan for the day to do this. The one he was caring for may even have had a prejudice against the Samaritan. But compassion overcame all barriers and loving your neighbor became reality.
Loving people as ourselves is not simple or convenient or without cost. But it is worth it because it is the way we reflect the heart of our Savior. I have to ask myself every day, am I seeing people with eyes of compassion or passing by them for my convenience?
Prayer Focus: Lord, help me to see people with Your eyes and care for them with Your heart.
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