“I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin.” Galatians 1:11
If you were writing a story about yourself, how would you write it? How would you appear in the story? There have always been skeptics and critics who say that the Bible is a fable written by men to try and explain good and evil in our world, and nothing more. But it seems to me they have never read the story.
If written by men, wouldn’t men be spoken of in a better light? Think of it. And in what universe would an all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present God not just wave His hand and destroy those who stood against Him? Yet in the Bible, this God comes in human form to His rebellious creation, preaches truth to them, and then DIES for them.
Paul is right, this Gospel is not of human origin. It has its roots in the eternal heart of God, who loves His creation, and longs for all to be redeemed into a right relationship with Him. What we as fallen human beings could not do, He did. And that is the essence of the Gospel.
Prayer Focus: Thank You Lord that even the Gospel itself points to You and Your love for us. This is no fable, but the truth that leads us into light and saves us. Thank You for sending us the Good News.
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