“Having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” Colossians 2:12
But why did He instruct us to baptize those who become disciples? Aren’t we saved by faith in Christ and His sacrifice to pay for our sins on the cross alone? Why do we need to go through the additional process of baptism?
The answer to these questions actually demonstrates God’s wonderful love for us. Baptism (and communion) is God’s sign-act of His love and care for us. Sign-acts are acts that convey meaning using actions, words and objects. They are not merely symbols, but much more than that. In the same way that God used the burning bush to communicate important truth to Moses, He works through the water of baptism to impart His grace to us.
In fact, He communicates much more than His grace. God also uses the sign-act of baptism to teach us that through faith in Christ, we die to our old sinful and worldly desires (going under the water), and are raised again to a new life in service to God (coming back up out of the water).
Prayer Focus: Father, help me to live my life as the new creation You have made me to be, serving You instead of myself.
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