“Jesus said: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6
The implication, of course, is that there is NO OTHER way, as much as we might think there is, or wish there was. We would like to alter the way to heaven in order to accommodate those who don’t know Jesus, and even those who reject the message of the Gospel altogether. But in so doing, we nullify the express purpose of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Why bother with the crucifixion if people can get to heaven any other way they want?
Although I believe in death bed conversions, I believe they are very rare. I’ve prayed with many people on their death beds over the years, and only a few have appeared to be sincere in wanting to receive Christ into their heart, like the thief on the cross did. To be sure, some do. I witnessed one just recently. A person who never knew Jesus throughout his lifetime was willing and anxious to pray the sinner’s prayer, repent of his sins, cling to the cross, and accept Jesus as his Savior. I believe he entered glory a few days later when he crossed the line of worlds. It was the greatest of all miracles. He found out that Jesus was the Way. There is NO OTHER GOSPEL.
Prayer Focus: Lord, help us to not compromise the truth that You are the only means of salvation for all people. Rather, help us rejoice that You have provided the way for our salvation.
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