“Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. ‘Never, Lord!’ he said. ‘This shall never happen to you!’” Matthew 16:22
Peter thought he was doing something right and noble. In fact, he was the one who had just acknowledged and confessed that Jesus was truly the Messiah, the Son of God. Perhaps he even felt emboldened when Jesus responded to his confession by saying that it was upon such faith and truth that He was going to build His church and hell would not be able to stand up against it. I don’t know. But what happens next is interesting.
Jesus starts to speak about what was coming. Suffering. Death. Resurrection. He was about to experience it all. Peter intercedes to protect Him. Notice the actions and the words. Peter did not want to embarrass Him, so he took Jesus aside and said, “Never, Lord.” What? Peter was acknowledging that Jesus is Lord but then proceeds to tell Jesus what was and what wasn’t going to happen. He, Peter, was going to save the day!
It makes me wonder how often I acknowledge Jesus’ title, Lord, but do not respect or submit to His position. If He is Lord, then He deserves my obedience, my humble submission, my reverence and awe. But if I am acknowledging His title while still determining in my own mind and heart what is and what is not going to happen, then practically He is not Lord at all. And I would be reflecting exactly who Jesus says Peter is. He responds, “Get behind me Satan. You are a stumbling block to me. For you do not have in mind the concerns of God but merely human concerns.”
Acknowledging a title is not honoring who Jesus truly is. The concerns of men must be replaced by the concerns of God.
Prayer Focus: Lord, help me today to hear Your voice and have in mind Your concerns rather than my concerns. For I know that when I focus on Your concerns, mine will be cared for.
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